A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
This is a simple tool for creating terrains. You can generate new terrains by pressing this button. You can hide the info side by Pressing this
button. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I'm open to any suggestions for improvements you might have.
MacOS version was updated on the 14.07.2024 -> V.0.0.6e
Löve2d version was updated on the 14.07.2024 -> V.0.0.6e
Windows version was updated on the --.--.2024 -> V.0.0.6 or V.0.0.5
Install instructions
If you're a Windows user, start by downloading the .zip file (Terrain Once downloaded, unzip the file and then run the .exe executable to launch the game. If you have Löve2d Installed you can also download the file and unzip it then run it via Love.
If you use MacOS download the .app file (Terrain and just run it. If you have Löve2d Installed you can also download the file and unzip it then run it via Love.
If you are using Linux download the .love file (, then (if you have Löve2d installed) run it via LÖVE.
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